Indrops config 2

Indrops config 2 An example for running the OneCellPipe pipeline of OneCellBio with a pre-defined configuration file for sequencing runs with a single part, and a single library. Files: R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz Command line: nextflow…

Onecellpipe processes execution timeline

Onecellpipe processes execution timeline Elapsed time: 13m 44s

Running the OneCellPipe software in the Amazon cloud

Running the OneCellPipe software in the Amazon cloud This is a sub-page of the multi-page documentation for the OneCellPipe pipeline of OneCellBio. Here are more detailed instruction for running OneCellPipe on an single machine in the…

Installing the software required for the OneCellPipe system

Installing the software required for the OneCellPipe system Here are more detailed instruction for installing and running the OneCellPipe software and its requirements. These instructions are for a Linux Ubuntu system where…

Common question about the OneCellPipe system

A collection of potential questions and error message the OneCellPipe pipeline of OneCellBio.